Dear Students,
I am contemplating banning phones from our school (a drastic consideration for a technology proponent such as myself, don't you think?). Do you have any idea why I am considering this on such a large scale versus one or two cell phone users?
Please take some time to reflect and reply on your thoughts on phones in school, specifically our school. What are the positive implications? What are the negative implications? Do not mention names.
I will delete any responses not written with a strong consideration toward conventions, grammar, etiquette, etc. Therefore, I highly encourage you to take your time; read your work aloud to yourself and to another person; have someone proofread and help you organize your writing; and check, double check, and RECHECK before posting. (Tip: save your work so you can make improvements if your response is deleted.)
Remember: the key to a solid argument is acknowledging the opposite viewpoint including the weaknesses of what you are trying to argue. Support your points with research/evidence. Opinions have little to no value. You may reference page 23 in the G-T MSHS Planner.
Thank you,
Mrs. Alesch